"The Perfect Couple," starring Nicole Kidman and Dakota Fanning, premiered September 5th on Netflix. Adapted from Elin Hilderbrand's popular novel, the mini-series is a murder mystery, set against the backdrop of a Nantucket wedding. The series was filmed in Chatham and Hyannis, MA, and creatively transformed these locations to resemble the island's charm.
Key scenes were shot in the scenic Eastward Point neighborhood of Chatham, where film crews even constructed a faux Nantucket police station. Hilderbrand, known for her captivating beach reads and having lived on Nantucket for 30 years, delivers a visually stunning narrative filled with drama and intrigue.
As viewers dive into the lives of the affluent characters, they may also find themselves drawn to the coastal lifestyle portrayed in the series. For those inspired by the seaside setting, a tide clock can be a perfect addition to your home.
Tide clocks not only enhance your decor with their unique charm but also help you stay in sync with the rhythm of the tides — ideal for beachgoers and boaters. A tide clock is also the perfect gift for anyone who loves coastal living and aesthetics.
With a custom tide clock, you can keep track of tidal changes while bringing a piece of that nautical ambiance into your everyday life. Consider adding one to your home and embrace the beauty of the tides, just like the characters in "The Perfect Couple."